Cryptocurrency Faucets

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Les Faucets - Let Bitcoin flow freely !

By Crypto Nation – 24 July 2020   

In the world of cryptocurrency, faucets allow you to receive free crypto. Usually in the form of a website, you are paid just for your visit to the site in question! We will see in this guide, how to make the most of this process.

This guide is nevertheless intended for profiles with a minimum of computer skills. The goal will also be to be able to let a machine run as long as possible (h24) to maximize performance, which is not necessarily given to everyone.

Become rich in crypto?

If in the past, at the beginning of the era of cryptocurrencies, some faucets distributed you 1 Bitcoin per day for your passage, you should know right away thatt we are very far from it now! This is normal given the growing power of this ecosystem.

Nevertheless, it is always good to be able to take advantage of it. You never know what price these tiny fragments of crypto received free of charge will reach.

We will therefore review the faucets and above all, how to automate the process :

  1. Faucet Collector
  2. Faucets sites
  3. Configure the Bot
  4. Captchas service

Faucet Collector

First, you have to register on Faucet Collector  and get a license . We recommend the annual, much less expensive.

Click here to register. If you are on the home page, then go to the Pricing tab to proceed with the purchase of a license.

Once the license has been purchased, you will receive an email with the license number and the bot to download.

Most of the configuration is simple because everything is preset. You will especially need to enter your identifiers of the different faucets (seen after) in the bot.

Faucets websites

Now you need to access all the different Faucets sites allowing you to recover cryptocurrency for free.

To get started, we recommend the following faucets:

Bot configuration

Once you have all your faucets, you have to enter the login credentials in the Bot, and define the parameters. For example, we recommend the following:

Then we recommend to plan the following breaks, so as not to get blocked by anti-bot systems.

Note : Do not use VPN, or you will be banned by faucet sites.

Captchas service

To get the faucet rewards, the bot will need to be able to solve Captchas. We are therefore going to use the FCCS (Faucet Collector Captcha Service) service, which must be credited. It is the cheapest on the market, and will quickly be reimbursed by the earnings.
You will find it in the User Area section of Faucet Collector.

You will also need to create a general API, and enter it in the Bot. Also select FCCS, in the configuration of each bot faucet.

Once all of this has been done, you can finally launch your bot! And start the harvest.

Your Bot is on the way to bring you cryptos every day, without too much effort! It will just be necessary to ensure to renew the license of Faucet Collector every year and to credit its account of captchas.

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