Crypto Nation – An ecosystem in the universe of cryptocurrencies and blockchains

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It is within Crypto Nation that our community is found, open to all, from beginners wishing to discover the world of cryptocurrencies, to highly experienced people looking for answers or for specific services. Whatever your profile is, you are welcome to democratize together this fascinating crypto universe.

We are making this website available, with various guides and informations, totally free, without advertising and it will stay that way.

We communicate with you on our networks, in particular via our french Discord server, on which we host presentationstraining  and market analysis.

Note : The brands and services defined on this page, as well as the associated logos are the property of Crypto Nation and are protected by intellectual property rights. Any total or partial reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Crypto Nation - Crypto & Blockchain Investment

Blockunity – Unify your data needs in one block

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Blockunity is your gateway to simplified yet comprehensive cryptocurrency insights. We aggregate and simplify expert data, providing you a one-stop solution for all your crypto investment needs. Designed for the novice but built with pro-level insights. Transform your crypto experience with Blockunity.

Non-exhaustive list of services provided by Blockunity:

  • Market Screener
  • Portfolio Tracking
  • Strategy Builder
  • Scoring methods
  • Trading indicators and indexes (Unyx Data)
  • Data aggregation, correlation and visualization
Blockunity Logo

Crypto Central – Index and classify crypto services

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Crypto Central is a platform bringing together many crypto services, in order to index and classify them. The goal is that any user can find the service they are looking for based on specific criteria.

The platform will include 23 categories, with a listing of several hundred crypto services and associated filters.

5 categories will be treated during the launch:

  • Exchange platforms (CEX & DEX).
  • NFT Marketplaces.
  • Crypto wallets.
  • Market analysis platforms.
  • Blockchains.

On each page, the user will be able to find informations, their social networks, a rating based on 6 characteristics, the services offered and a community rating.

Crypto Central will initially be completely free to access and ad-free.


  • Q4 2021: Crypto Central v1 launched.
Crypto Central Logo

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